Gohan approaches Piccolo in a secluded area. Piccolo agrees, and calms down. Goku tells them that they need to learn Fusion so they can avenge Vegeta and Gohan.

Piccolo asks if he didn't go all out, was because of Super Saiyan 3's rapid energy consumption. After Universe 9 is erased, Piccolo is just as shocked as the other fighters. After recovering from the initial shock of seeing his strangely familiar homeland for the first time and feeling the suffering of his people, Piccolo heads in the direction of a large energy source, believing it to be During his flight, he passes over a dying Namekian, Nail, who was earlier easily mauled by Frieza.

Piccolo is livid at this turn of events, and wants to go to Babidi and prevent the loss of more lives. Piccolo bursts his bubble though by saying that even if Goku fused with either one, he can't return to the living world. Piccolo asks Goku if he's alright, because he seems tired. Piccolo, however declines, saying he would rather train in silence because he can't keep up with them. This action also causes Kami to believe that Piccolo had died. Goku decides it's best to tell them. Goku is soon overwhelmed by Frieza once he powers up to 50% of his power, nullifying even Goku's Just as our heroes rejoice, Frieza towers above them revealing to still be alive, and shoots a powerful beam meant for Goku (in the anime only, for in the manga he intended to finish Piccolo and the others first all along, and as such aimed at him immediately), but Piccolo bravely takes the hit for his former rival and falls to the ground on the verge of death. Piccolo also has a secret plan that, if Gotenks is not capable of stopping Super Buu, he will destroy the entrance to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, locking Super Buu and themselves inside for all of eternity. This, along with his earlier having overheard King Kai's conversation with Goku about the destruction of the South Galaxy at Broly's hands, prompted him to depart for New Planet Vegeta with a Capsule Corps spaceship. On the way they encountered Mr. Satan and Piccolo picked him up, seeing in him the beginnings of a true hero. And they'd better hurry, because everyone on Earth will be destroyed within five days. Five years pass and Piccolo has since continued to train in order to reach his goal, but one day he has a brief confrontation with the Saiyan Once Goku and Piccolo locate Raditz, Goku makes a feeble effort to rescue his son through discussion rather than action, but this fails, resulting in a battle. Ele ficou em 5º em duas pesquisas oficiais de popularidade da Luiz Antônio Lobue, o dublador brasileiro de sua segunda voz, revelou que o momento mais marcante em seu trabalho como Piccolo foi quando ele se fundiu com Kami-Sama. Goku says that someone can only use that room for at most two days in their life, and they may need it sometime in the future. Once they have their ki identical, they both have to do the Fusion Dance exactly the same. Goku then tells Shenron they've made enough wishes, and so Shenron bids them farewell. Inicialmente intimidado pelo fato de que seus oponentes absorveram dezenas de outros namekuseijins em preparação para o torneio, Piccolo consegue se manter na luta e derruba os dois da arena com a ajuda de Gohan. Boo eats his chocolate, and then destroys the remains of the city. Piccolo rarely smiles and enjoys solitude. Piccolo gets angry, but Goku says they're right, he is a weakling compared to Majin Buu. When Bulma manages to contact Whis, Piccolo powers up along with the other Z Fighters to help send out a signal, Piccolo then watches as Goku and Vegeta arrive and Goku takes on Frieza.
Goku says for now, they'll master Fusion. Dragon Ball Z. All of a sudden, Babidi transmits another message into the minds of all the people of Earth. Piccolo Jr. was born a Namekian Demon Clansman due to being King Piccolo's son and reincarnation. After he sees Gohan take Seven-Three down, he joins his side and cites his mixed feelings on seeing what is essentially a copy of himself being taken down so easily. Piccolo is injured by Frieza, though Goku manages to take Frieza's Killer Ball attack inside of dodging it, thus the Warrior doesn't have to shield Gohan and Piccolo like the original Future Warrior did. Buu lifts all of the people into the air, and then decides to turn them all into candy balls. Frost's third form makes him remember all of the negative attributes of Frieza and the events that occurred on Planet Namek. Goku says that Buu enjoys destruction and killing at a whim. While they wait for Trunks to return, Piccolo asks Goku if he could have defeated Majin Buu as a Super Saiyan 3, and Goku reveals he is unsure as Majin Buu's strength is incredible and he thinks its very likely he would have lost against Buu. Goku informs Piccolo that Buu killed Babidi, as he cannot sense the evil wizard's energy anymore. Piccolo enters the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and, although becoming significantly stronger, is still nowhere near powerful enough to challenge Perfect Cell. Goku also admits their taking a risk, but after seeing Goten and Trunks' potential, he thinks it is worth a try. Piccolo gives Goku his energy to help form the Super Spirit BombFour months later, at Kami's Lookout Piccolo and Gohan sense Frieza's arrival and head off to confront him. Trunks is sad and sniffling that his father was killed, while Goten cries about his big brother's death.

Piccolo They fought to a stalemate, but just before Piccolo could kill Salza, he ended up ambushed by Cooler, being hit with Piccolo is among the Z Fighters who traveled to New Namek to aid the Namekians from the new threat of the Big Gete Star. But even so, it took him a week to learn the technique. Piccolo then takes up on the offer and says he would like more information about the situation.