The United States and the United Kingdom were among the countries which sponsored the resolution, which for the first time called for an international probe.The Tamil National Alliance has welcomed a domestic investigation with a hybrid court and The first international voice to support the charge of genocide against the Government of Sri Lanka under international law was raised by It also found that member states of the United Nations had not "complied with their moral obligation to seek justice for the violations of human rights committed during the last period of the war".In 3 November 2012, panel of 11 member International Experts, consisting of experts in genocide studies, former UN officials, experts in international law and renowned peace and human rights activists to be convened as Judges appointed by In 27 March 2013, Tamil Nadu State Assembly has passed resolution to called on the Indian Government to stop considering Sri Lanka as a 'friendly country' and impose economic sanctions, as well as calling for an international inquiry in "genocide and war crimes" against Sri Lankan Tamils.1983–2009 civil war between the Sri Lankan government and Tamil separatists19 May: President addresses the Parliament and Prabhakaran is dead19 May: President addresses the Parliament and Prabhakaran is deadNarayan Swamy, "Inside an Elusive Mind-Prabhakaran" Konark Publishers, New Delhi, 2003.NorthEast Secretariat report on Human rights 1974–2004 (see Further Reading section).Dissanayaka, T.D.S.A. Troops were attacking rebels' defences from three directions.Not until 1 January 2009 were SLA troops able to capture The Tigers quickly abandoned their positions on the Jaffna peninsula to make a last stand in the jungles of This stage of the war was marked by increased brutality against civilians and rapidly mounting civilian casualties. Citing opposition among the Sinhala majority, Rajapaksa has repeatedly rejected any further devolution of power to the provinces, including what is mandated in the current constitution, thereby neutralising a mechanism intended to give ethnic minorities greater self-governance. Particularly important was its promise to repeal the Prevention of Terrorism Act and replace it with new, human rights-compliant counter-terrorism legislation – a promise the new government reversed in January. Among Tamils, non-LTTE parties had no role; nor did the important Muslim community, which makes up some 7 per cent of the population. 42 people were injured, some of whom were flown to hospitals in the capital Colombo for treatment.The explosion is believed to have been caused by a 20-kg Claymore mine. The current government’s blanket denial of any violations by the military or police requiring investigation or prosecution has returned Sri Lanka to the hardline positions of 2009-10, rolling back even the modest recognition of government excesses found in the conclusions of the 2011 Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission. "At least 63 people were killed in the bus bombing. The 2006 Digampathaha (දිගම්පතහ, திகம்பதஹ) truck bombing, also known as Habarana massacre, was a suicide truck bombing carried out by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam against a convoy of 15 military buses on 16 October 2006 at Digampathaha (Incorrectly reported as Digampathana), in between the towns of Dambulla and Habarana, in Sri Lanka. Despite widespread international criticism, the LTTE continues to recruit children to be soldiers in its forces. Ever since the end of major fighting on the Jaffna peninsula in August, the government and the LTTE have hindered the delivery of humanitarian assistance. Following negotiations, both the government and the rebels agreed to have a civilian vessel transport regional LTTE leaders with international truce monitors on 16 April, which involved crossing government-controlled territory. A full review of EU policies toward Sri Lanka and how they affect conflict risk and human rights probably will indicate that large portions of the UN-administered Peacebuilding Priority Plan (PPP) – a framework for coordinating international support to transitional justice, reconciliation and good governance, which the EU supports financially – will be difficult if not impossible to implement in the current political climate.