For example, the project management team can meet weekly by itself and monthly with the customer. Productive project status meetings increase team morale, provide timely information on project status, uncover potential risks, provide a forum for timely issue resolution, and encourage relevant information sharing.Brownlee, D. (2008). Make sure to write these down or capture them in some way!Take all the sticky notes from the scope exercise and create a tree of dependencies, starting from the first item that other things depend on – both up- and downstream dependencies. Note them up on the diagram, allowing each person to talk through their ideas. Plus, it's hard to schedule meetings with a large number of people, so make use of the opportunity.

Indeed, the project manager’s ability to run effective status meetings not only directly impacts the progress of the project but also influences how he or she is perceived by others.Indeed, effective meetings need both a leader and a facilitator. The key for implementing any of these techniques successfully is surfacing the issue with the team early in the project cycle and identifying techniques that the team will support to address this common problem.Project status meetings are a critical tool in the project manager’s tool box.

This is one tool that the project manager uses to “check in” on the project. Mark the milestones you know about already. Key facilitation tasks that he/she may want to delegate include the following:Seasoned facilitators use specific techniques to avoid common meeting management pitfalls. Start a new page in Confluence to capture … Many project managers assume that when a team member does not complete a task as assigned, his/her only recourse is to confront them directly. In this case project managers may not want to ask any of the team members/subject matter experts to fully take on this role (as their contribution to meeting discussions is key). Hang up the master plan where everyone can see it. For permission to reproduce this material, please contact PMI or any listed author. These tangents not only take the group off topic but also tend to take up critical time during the meeting and cause meetings to run late.

Unfortunately, too few project managers have adopted methods and techniques to ensure that these sessions are succinct, productive, and valuable. !Although the idea of meeting to kick off a project might seem tedious, they're totally worthwhile – provided they're done right. If you're ready to execute on your project and struggling with pretty much any area on your At the best of times, projects operate like well-oiled machines. Walk through the agenda you've chosen, but don't spend time going into a ton of detail about each activity.Start a new page in Confluence to capture notes and photos from each of the activites. In reality, effective status meetings require so much more! Refer to the activities below as you plan out the agenda. It's meant to be flexible. If you come out with a clear DACI, great.

Make a note to follow up on them after the session.So you can make smaller decisions quickly and autonomously.Draw a horizontal timeline. A well developed agenda helps the project manager keep the team on track, makes preparation easier for team members, reduces meeting time, and provides a sense of focus for the meeting.For project status meetings, agendas should be simple and consistent.
For instance, if you and another person need to get together about a new project, set up a separate meeting for that. When that doesn’t happen, often the project manager is deemed to be weak and ineffective.

Many project managers ensure that the meeting is appropriately facilitated by inviting an outside facilitator or asking team members to play the role of facilitator. The brief review also affords important opportunities to recognize team members for recent accomplishments.To implement the “look back-look forward” technique, consider the following:Although the “look back-look forward” review technique focuses the status meeting on the current time period, the agenda should always provide opportunities to address relevant issues outside this time period. Make sure your architect is in the room and understands they'll be leading this activity.Ask the architect to diagram out roughly what the new system will look like. Unauthorized reproduction of this material is strictly prohibited. When team members are not held accountable, it creates a myriad of problems for the project:To avoid these problems, project managers must foster a culture of accountability from the outset of the project. Team members must be accountable for tasks that they take on if the project is to reach its objectives within the parameters set.
Typically, the project manager wants to assess the status of each of the following elements during a status meeting:Because the project manager should be able to report up-to-date information to project sponsors or clients at any time, it’s imperative for the project manager to conduct status meetings regularly. Will you create a chat room for the core project team to use?