It is also a good day to think about those who serve you all year long and those who may be less fortunate thanAll text and image content copyrighted by All rights reserved.This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience possible. For the die-hard cricket spectators – up to 160,000 in There’s one other major event that hits most Australian cities and large towns on Boxing Day.

There are Boxing Day carols, Morris dancing and community dances. Friday August 14, 2020 For instance, most stores in Canada are forbidden from opening their doors on this day due to provincial law.Giving Gifts To Service Providers-One way that many people celebrate this day is by giving small gift or tidings of money to those who provide them with service all year long. If the day falls on a Sunday, then the following Monday is substituted for the banking holiday. Boxing Day is a centuries’ old gift-giving day that originated in Britain. This usually includes working in a soup kitchen or gathering groceries for a food bank.Outdoor Sports-Another way to spend this holiday is by observing one of the many sports traditions that are traditionally played on this day. Since 1945, the over 1000km Sydney-to-Hobart yacht race has started each Boxing Day at noon in Sydney and has become one of the toughest yacht races ever with competitors bringing their yachts from around the globe to attempt to win.And, since 1950, the Boxing Day Test Match begins its five-day run on the 26th.
Since 1945, the over 1000km Sydney-to-Hobart yacht race has started each Boxing Day at noon in Sydney and has become one of the toughest yacht races ever with competitors bringing their yachts from around the globe to attempt to win. Boxing Day is always celebrated on December 26th or the day after December 25th, Christmas Day. Boxing Day is a holiday that serves to remember the old practice of giving boxes on the day after Christmas.The practice of Boxing Day was first mentioned in English Member of Parliament Samuel Pepys’ diary entry from December 19th 1663, when he referred to “giving something to the boy' box against Christmas”. It was a custom on that day for tradesmen to collect their “Christmas boxes,” gifts of money or goods in return for reliable service all year. It is celebrated in Greenland, Uganda, Australia, Fiji, Hong Kong, Denmark, Belize and in approximately 20 other countries. In case December 26 is a Saturday or Sunday, Boxing Day is moved to the first weekday after the weekend. were given the day off, with small gifts, often in boxes, given as a token of appreciation by their masters.Most countries outside the Commonwealth do not celebrate Boxing Day, but in America, during the slave times, the masters would often give their slaves the day off after Christmas.Sport features highly on this public holiday.
These include Texas, Kansas, Virginia, North and South Carolina and Kentucky.While it is a busy shopping day in some localities, in others retailers are forbidden to open their stores on this day. This practice originates from an even older tradition- during the Middle Ages – where servants were allowed to visit their families the day after the holiday, after service to their masters were completed, and these servants were often given a gift box that contained money or sometimes leftover food.Today, this traditionally secular holiday falls on the same day as St. Stephen’s Day, a religious holiday. Today, it is one of the busiest shopping days of the year, not only in the United Kingdom but also in Canada and many states of Australia.If you aren’t familiar with Boxing Day, then you might be tempted to think that this holiday had something to do fisticuffs, which is completely wrong. While there are many theories that try to explain where the term came from, many scholars agree that it most likely refers to the seventeenth century practice of ‘boxing’, which means a gift or gratuity placed into a box and given to someone the day after Christmas.In the U.K, Tradesmen and servants were often given a Xmas box to reward good service they provided throughout the year. Although it is a public holiday, the Boxing Day Sales have become a sporting event in themselves, with crowds of shoppers queuing for shop doors to open and to get that ‘special deal’. Yes, boxes are a big part of Boxing Day traditions! The Boxing Day sales are growing every year, e.g., on Boxing Day in 2010, New Zealanders spent $99 million and, in 2011, $106million. 26 December is also Saint Stephen's Day, a religious holiday. For many it’s not even about the purchasing, but about the adrenaline of the fight for the bargain.Christmas and Boxing Day always fall together and if one or both of these days occur on a weekend, the days are ‘made up’ by more public holidays being declared for the weekdays following, so sometimes there can be up to a four-day break for most Australians.In Australia, Boxing Day is the second day in a row marked by food, although they are usually leftovers from Christmas Day that have been reinvented into turkey salad, stir-fried turkey, ham terrine, turkey sandwiches, bubble and squeak, and for dessert, trifle. Celebrated on the day following Christmas, Boxing Day is a holiday that is celebrated in the U.K and in areas that were previously British colonies at some point in their history. And, since 1950, the Boxing Day Test Match begins its five-day …