You can then do exactly the same for the horizontal pixel placement, but using longitudes and X pixels instead.Then, if we use an example coordinate of (-37.804465, 145.134984), the Y coordinate of the corresponding pixel, relative to the top-left corner, is:Therefore, the corresponding pixel is 393 pixels down from the top. You can use the lat long converter to locate an address, latitude and longitude on a map for navigation purposely or if your gps navigation system is giving you a lat long and you need to convert it to address.

Enter Latitude: North : South: Enter Longitude: West : Convert Degree to Decimal IF you already have it in ArcMap simply create a new x,y fields (lat long) and use the right click on one of the new columns and select Calculate Geometry. if you're looking for accurate conversion of geodetic (lot,lan) into your defined cartesian coordinate (x,y meters from reference point), you can do with my code snippet here, this function will accept geodetic coordinate in radian and output the result in x,yI wouldn't worry too much about earth curvature. Worldwide Utilities If u tell me how its done or some reference link it will be easy for me to understand .

Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Following a request from a visitor, I added the option to convert to and from Geocentric cartesian coordinates (X, Y, Z). If you approximate the earth's surface as a sphere, then the formulae should be. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top

Convert BNG to lat/long Enter a British National Grid six or seven figure number for both easting and northing to return decimal latitude and longitude. Welcome to gis.stackexchange! The University of Minnesota is undergoing planned maintenance on its data center from Friday, January 5, 2017 4:00p to Sunday, January 7, 2018 12:00p.PGC services will be unavailable at that time. Important notice from the PGC. NEW: State Plane coordinates for the United States are supported. If you approximate the earth's surface as a sphere, then the formulae should bejust use gdal.ApplyGeoTransform adn gdal.InvGeoTransform.Here's the python code:Thanks for contributing an answer to Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange! Featured on Meta @Mac: True, for the area that ITion is working with, you can simplify things by forgetting that earth is really some elipsoid, but once you start to deal with larger areas, you can no longer ingore that fact... then you have to figure out which elipsoid your going to believe earth is... and that is a whole other disscussion... but one of the more popular ones is WGS-84

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This page converts United States State Plane coordinates to … State Plane Coordinate System - Convert, View on Google Earth. Note : my pixel (0, 0) is Top Left corner .Hey thanks for your input . if I am trying to locate (-37.803134,145.132377) which is same as my top left corner coordinates (i.e) ((-37.803134 - -37.806232) / (-37.803134 - -37.806232)) * 915 gives 915 as output which is nothing but 915 pixels down from the top .whereas It should be Zero because My Target Coordinate is same as top left boundary coordinate. Then you can figure out the pixel corresponding to a given lat/lon coordinate through To briefly outline that process, imagine that your (-37.803134, 145.132377) lat/lon corresponds to your (0, 0) pixel, and that you've discovered that your (1017, 915) pixel corresponds to the lat/lon (-37.798917, 145.138535). Learn more about Stack Overflow the company

I have the Lat/Long value of an small area in Melbourne; -37.803134,145.132377 and also a flat image of that,that I exported from openstreet map( Osmarender Image ). This page converts United States State Plane coordinates to other coordinate systems. @Mac Sorry for bothering you .I just want to make it clear . Is it one of the corners? This is an effective and fast online Lat Long to UTM converter.It can be used to make the stated conversions at any time and any place. Anybody can answer your coworkers to find and share information. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled But its not ??

Please note that a good question on this site is expected to show some degree of research on your part, i.e. Can you recommend a conversion program to get from W-X-Y to Lat Long (NAD 83). By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader.

Its the Top left corner.Complete coordinate is (-37.803134,-37.806232,145.132377,145.136733 ) .Hey thanks for your answer . The utilities in this package provide methods for converting between Geodetic Latitude-Longitude-Ellipsoid_ht and XYZ on the GRS80 Ellipsoid. Click the corresponding "Calc" button. Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and