Agh... please don't bring this up again...How high do you think the camera was at the time of taking this photo? Unfortunately due to factors outside our control, images can sometimes be slow to appear.It might take longer time to load all the pictures for the quiz than you expected. Write. Vous êtes plutôt George Clooney, Ryan Gosling ou Justin Bieber ?

It might take longer time to load all the pictures for the quiz than you expected. Gravity.

I'm just too perfect - sometimes I'd just like to be a little more ordinary.Someone who is tall, has a great body, and who is undeniably good looking.Someone who's a cute little pixie or short and solid - big things come in small packages after all.I don't care about this, most of the time I just look at the person's face.I've been a part of a sporting community for many years and can turn my hand to any sport.I have my own favourite sport and within that circle there's no one who hasn't heard of me.If it wasn't for my school, parents or friends forcing me to do sport, I could quite happily spend my life swinging on a hammock.My mother and father are both giant, so naturally I've turned out the same way.Both are fairly tall and by luck I've inherited the same gene.One of them is somewhat short and unfortunately I've inherited that gene.Neither could be considered tall.

Thanks for your patience :pPlease be patient while the photo loads.

Describing your ideal boyfriend/girlfriend in French. Girls: Long and messy with a hint of punk Unfortunately due to factors outside our control, images can sometimes be slow to appear.It might take longer time to load all the pictures for the quiz than you expected. Pour ce nouveau test de personnalité, nous vous proposons de voir quel est votre partenaire de fusion idéal.


L'homme idéal, le prince charmant, l'homme de sa vie... autant de synonymes qui nous font rêver et qui nous laisse espérer en l'avenir et surtout espérer au bonheur futur avec lui.

Like neon green, blue, orange, and yellow!

This test is not entirely for entertainment purposes only. Neon colors!
Faîtes ce test homme idéal pour le découvrir. Guys: Just have it plain and short. For the accuracy of the test, please answer all the questions according to your real feeling.Come along and take this quiz to find the ideal height of your love.

Alors à quoi ressemblera-t-il ? Thanks for your patience :pTo see how other people scored on this test, please follow our Are you a fan of extreme sports, like rock climbing or sky diving?Even though I've never tried any kind of extreme sport, I have always thought I would love to.No interest at all so, naturally, I've never tried any.I tried once in the past and it scared the pants off me, so I'll never be doing that again.If you have to rate your preference level on height and outlook, what description below matches your thought most?Unattractive but very tall and with a figure that could kill.I'm not even game enough to imagine something high.If it's not terribly high I can keep myself under control, but if it's really high, well...Fear of heights? Improving my looks is most important and then possibly my IQ.Reduce my attractiveness and drop a few IQ points. For now, don't try to actually calculate the building's true height itself.) C’est ce qui fait qu’elle va rester malgré les agissements de plus en !I'm a little too tall but, overall, my height is acceptable.If you had the opportunity to change something about yourself, what would you choose?To make myself taller and to have the figure of a model.To transform myself into a cute little pixie-like girl or boy.Height is secondary.

Test Quel est votre type d'homme ?. This test is not entirely for entertainment purposes only.

Découvre le portrait robot de ton mec idéal !

... Répond aux questions de ce test pour lever le voile sur le portrait en trois dimensions du garçon qu'il te faut ! What if they're already there and you don't know it yet?

Spunky, different colors, like with blue or pink highlights... What if your ideal one is closer than you think? je trouve ça attirant. Meet up with some friends at the high school.

Pour découvrir quel est le profil de votre homme idéal, faite vite notre test ! En fonction de nos besoins et de nos attentes, notre partenaire idéal/e n’a pas forcément le même âge que nous.

Découvre votre partenaire idéal Découvrez votre partenaire idéal en répondant aux questions suivantes du test d’amour. Guys: Long. Si les défauts sont en trop, il n'y jamais assez de caractère dans les relations amoureuses. PLAY.

Smoke some stuff and graffiti Girls: Natural and longish. What if they're already there and you don't know it yet? Partenaire ideal(e) STUDY. Test.

For the accuracy of the test, please answer all the questions according to your real feeling. Guys: Medium length, sideswept. a good sense of humour. Sexo-Psycho.

(Give your answer based on your own immediate response to looking at the photo.