This was my first quiz ever so yeah, hoped you liked it! Nagisa as an assassin prodigy, Sugino for his endearment, Okuda's concentration, Terasaka's ability to function despite being stupid). On the final semester exam, Gakushu wished to extract any information about Korosensei from Karma and he was gladly willing to only if Gakushu managed defeat him in Academic battles.
Il est classé troisième garçon au test de tir et 4ème élève en tout avec 97 points sur 100. Although he helped tutor the class in Maths (dealing out corporal punishment in the process), he virtually went up against Asano alone on the final Math problem with only a few minutes to spare. He has a slender build and has also been shown to have exceptionally sharp canine teeth. While Nagisa admires Karma for his intelligence and positive personality, Karma saw Nagisa as "a nice and honest yet harmless little animal" who he could afford to be less cautious with, thus trusting Nagisa to spend time with. Karma is almost always behaving in a lackadaisal manner, often a front for his plotting. Why wouldn't you love him?He's the whole package. We all love Karma Akabane.He's smart,crazy, hot, mischevious and funny. Karma also helped unload the supplies and was impressed enough to state that he will support an increase in the space budget when he grows up. (épisode 3 de la 1ere saison) Il a des cheveux rouges, couleur sang et des yeux ambrés reflétant sa malice. Karma was even the first person to defend Korosensei when they believed he was behind a string of underwear thieves, understanding Korosensei wouldn't be that sloppy and that by doing this he would lose his worth as a teacher. As such he ignored Korosensei's concerns and did not join his classmates in study sessions or in helping out win a bet with Class A.

Karma returns to the spotlight during the finals arc. Among all the Class 3-E students, Karma is the only one to wear a black blazer as opposed to the standard school-issued uniform. Kayano was late when joined class E, which is why she asked Nagisa about Karma's reputation and violent fame. Thanks for reading! Karma is well-known throughout the school for his violent behavior and troublesome attitude.

Karma confidently states that he will grab the top spot from Asano.

A première vue, on pourrait croire que c'est un personnage blasé, mais en réalité il est très vif d'esprit et aborde un sourire malicieux.

Karma retrieves his knife and approaches his foe to end the duel, until Nagisa suddenly performs the Later in the month, the class came across information that could lead them to save their teacher. He has shown a strong ability to lead when forced into the role. Karma participates in the boutaoshi against Class A, where Class E's unconventional tactics and Isogai's leadership gave them the victory over Class A despite their numerical superiority. Karma attempts to dissuade Kayano with no success and is forced to watch the two battle. The free-running skills would later get the class into trouble as the mid term exams approached, and Korosensei had forbidden everyone from studying as a way to teach them humility.

(Karma Akabane x Reader) Love Targ... by kawaiiii16. Karma assassin classroom. Karma est aussi très confiant et ne doute pas de lui mais est très frustré quand il n’arrive pas quelque chose ou que quelqu’un lui fait une remarque à ce sujet et il aime bien jouer au jeux vidéos sur sa (DS) même dans l'espace (épisode 19 saison 2). When given the chance to save Koro-sensei, Karma still chose to kill him since he felt the purpose of the assassination classroom would be eliminated if there was no bloodlust, but when Nagisa finally managed to kill him, Karma shed genuine tears which he tried hard to fight back, showing how much he had grown to care for his teacher.

He and Nakamura decide to help Kayano pluck the courage to confess to Nagisa, though their motive was so as to psychologically torture them as their pets.

(Y/n), a top class assassin in the Uni... karmaakabane; akabane; fanfiction +3 more #5. Karma est le meilleur élève de la classe-E, n'y ayant pas été placé à cause de ses notes. Il porte une ceinture à son pantalon d'uniforme et des chaussures à talonnettes. This was very useful. Karma Akabane, E-Class Assassin and close best friend of Nagisa Shiota, the little boy he teases and the only one who he listens to. While initially afraid of Karma, Okuda eventually warms up to him and Karma, in turn, comes to trust her. He makes his debut in Chapter 3, reuniting with his friend Throughout his first day, Karma continually agitates Korosensei, one instance stealing the latter's Italian gelato and pranks him but Nagisa worries that this will come back to hit Karma hard. He is well known for his violent and rebellious behavior amongst his school. It has also been noted that Karma considers Nagisa a prodigy and has high respect for his skill, admitting to Okuda that he was a bit jealous of his friend's assassination skills. Because of his intelligence, he is arrogant and lazy. Il termine premier en ayant 500 points sur 500 autrement dit 100 points dans chaque matière, battant Il est le tout premier élève à avoir réussi à blesser Koro. On Valentines Day, Karma and Nakamura spot Kayano hiding a bar of chocolate underneath her desk.

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Initially, Karma hated Korosensei like he did with all teachers due to the incident where the teacher reprimanded Karma for defending another student simply because that student was an E student.

Nagisa volunteers to perform the assassination itself. As the entrance exams approach, Karma decides to stay at Kunigigaoka, knowing that with his academic skills he can get any job he wants and that he likes having to compete with equally academic students like Gakushu Asano. The two often hang out together and seem to enjoy the same things like movies. For a long time, Karma had been a rebellious student with a problematic attitude. Korosensei lectured Karma about not letting pride take hold in a conflict, that it was sometimes better to walk away, saying that it is a relevant skill in both assassination and in his future as a bureaucrat. December 30, 2017 at 11:44.