Get The answer to this question will help determine what kind of Instagram contest to run, and allow you to Once you have clear and measurable goals, you can create a plan to reach them. This is also a great way to make sure people who already follow you on other social channels know about your Instagram account and give them a nudge to follow you there.When you mention the contest on other channels, be sure to provide a link to make it easy for people to find. (Ask them to Instagram is pretty clear on this one: If you choose to use their platform for a contest, you need to figure things out yourself. Face à la diversité des autres types de jeux, son taux d'engagement peut être en dessous des autres. Don’t cheap out here - use an official product shot or use a good camera (even a modern smartphone will do) to take and edit a great-looking photo that helps you highlight your prize. Dans cet article, nous vous proposons d'organiser un concours sur Instagram en quelques étapes, et nous vous aidons à trouver des idées.Si je vous proposais de gagner un vol vers une destination de rêve, qu’en diriez-vous ? If you ran a competition using a third-party contest app, you’ll have a list of emails who you can market to directly. Hootsuite peut vous aider à organiser vos concours sur Instagram grâce à un tableau de bord unique, qui vous permet de suivre facilement vos participants et de répondre rapidement aux commentaires.Recevez les conseils d'experts en matière de médias sociaux directement dans votre boîte mail.Clémence est Content & Social Marketing Strategist chez Hootsuite. They asked people to send their entries in by Instagram DM, but you could also ask people to post directly on Instagram or Instagram Stories.Knowing what you want to accomplish with your contest is the first step. Wishpond makes it easy to create landing pages and contests, manage your leads and No commitment. In January, we announced immersive, full screen ads coming to Instagram Stories. Dans certains cas, les utilisateurs sont disqualifiés s’ils n’utilisent pas le hashtag de la campagne.Ne sous-estimez pas le pouvoir d’un bon hashtag. Vous assurerez la promotion avant, pendant et après votre concours, prenez donc le temps d’établir votre stratégie en interne.Hootsuite peut vous aider à surveiller votre concours Instagram. Quelques exemples :Les hashtags sont un excellent moyen de renforcer votre concours.

Les utilisateurs devaient suivre Comme le concours lui-même, le prix doit avoir un sens pour votre entreprise. Les exemples sont la ressource parfaite pour créer un jeu concours performants ! Francis Xavier University asked students to tag three friends for a chance to win a $200 deposit on their school ring. Tout ce que vous avez à faire est de demander aux utilisateurs de publier une photo sur leur compte personnel en utilisant le hashtag du concours ou en identifiant la marque.

Your prize is generally the biggest determinant when we’re talking about people choosing whether or not they want to enter your contest.

Post it on your Instagram feed and ask fans to post their caption in the comments.The Sudbury Wolves OHL hockey team used this strategy to get fans excited about their first game of the season, offering a chance to win two tickets to the opening game for the person who commented with the best caption for this photo.A tag-a-friend contest can be a great way to expose your brand to people who may not have heard of you before, or who may not yet be following you on Instagram. Make sure it’s clear in your contest terms that you may share the photos and text that people submit.You could ask users to show themselves using your product, share a story of how your product or service has improved their life, or simply post photos that are related to your product or service (like photos from their run for an athletics apparel company, or photos from their travels for a travel brand).The freelancing platform Upwork asked followers to share their freelancing success stories using the hashtag #UpworkSuccess, with a $1,000 visa gift card as the prize.Contest entries gave Upwork a great source of user-generated content talking about how well their service works and what a positive effect it can have on people’s lives.You can also run a contest that lasts longer than 24 hours using Instagram Stories ads.The German car manufacturer Opel used carousel ads in Instagram Stories to encourage users to take a test to learn which model of Opel’s ADAM car best fit their personality.In just two weeks, they received more than 1,800 entries.A scavenger hunt can be a fun way to get your Instagram community involved with your brand. They help you reach engage new fans and generate leads with the serious potential to drive massive sales. Create immersive and impactful marketing campaign for Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter with the leading mobile-first marketing platform. Alors, Inspirez vous en. Si vous êtes à court d’idées, réfléchissez au profil de vos acheteurs. Follow him on Twitter or Instagram @carlonathan.Start creating online marketing campaigns for your business with Wishpond’s 14-day free trial. The entries that come in can serve asBeatJunkies.TV posts regular challenges on their Instagram account, encouraging followers to show off their DJing skills for a chance to win a month’s membership to their service. But laws and regulations governing contests and giveaways con be complex—especially on a platform where your contest could be seen by people from all around the world.Make sure you understand the laws and regulations in your area. Promote your giveaway on your other social channels to reach the broadest possible audience and maximize the number of entries.

Without registration and logging in.
Like and/or comment to win: one of the most popular type of Instagram contest. Did you learn anything about your potential customers?This type of information can tell you how to improve your contest for next time.You’ll likely see more interaction with your Instagram account than usual during the time you’re running a contest. Advantages.
This is awesome because it gives you a ton of different options when it comes to actually running your Instagram competition.