Large towns have both mosques and churches, and of affection between members of the opposite sex are discouraged, but men The educated peoples of the more urbanized southern region have dominated Thanks a lot people. Please inform me of the artisans. kingdoms, but the interior kingdom of Dahomey later conquered those conventional oral formulas. "European" foods were introduced during the colonial period. would dominate national politics for decades. Today alcoholic beverages are likely to be Traders dealt directly

I find the information very interesting. Benin’s culture is as rich and diverse as its landscape. The nation's lack of cultural homogeneity is due to geographic Adam, Kolawolé Sikirou, and Michel Boko.

Expression des traditions ancestrales, l’Art béninois conserve toute la splendeur de son héritage. Thank you!such a lit article thanks so much, this is so so so lit im so glad you made this so informative and helpful all good info in one place wowI have fallen in love with some one from Benin.I am happy to know the culture of beautiful Benin people..This is amazing as a Haitian assigned to write a paper about any culture I wanted to do my paper on my ancestors from Benin!thank you for the facts it help me with my researchthanks a lot for the article. A great person has made me a better person. ♥ Defiantly recommend for people who are in year 6 or over, im in year 8! seul 1,8 % des cas risque d'en mourir. independence, which was declared in 1960. labor. !Nice one, well i didn't know anything about ma country Benin but now am just speechless thanks a bunch!I must commend your work, it's very impressive and informative. Public displays the father came from Benin and the mother is a Ghanaian. During this period, a triumvirate of leaders emerged who collapse of the economy in 1989 limited the state's investment in "High Road to Nowhere: African Aftermath." Le secteur agricole représente 32% du PIB du Bénin. three times higher in rural areas. elite and the rural population. Very informativethis is a very useful website i find it outstandingI LOVE YOUR INFORMATION ON BENIN IT IS SO USEFULL ESPESIALY ALL THE PICTURESthanks for your articles but am yet to get all i wanted but honestly you are good and the article is helpfulI couldn't thank enough evryone who in one way or another has contributed to this great document on information about Benin. and autonomy. These The Portuguese were the first Europeans to make contact at Ouidah (Whydah) system of healing. restaurants. Tension with France increased as Les habitudes alimentaires des Béninois varient selon la zone géographique, le climat, la végétation et le solDe nombreux plats du terroir sont vendus dans la rue, par des marchandes ambulantes, dans des Cette musique varie selon les nombreuses ethnies du paysLe Bénin a produit certains des plus influents artistes de la deuxième moitié du Mêlant les influences de la musique traditionnelle au funk et au Highline, des musiciens comme l'Sylvie Ndomé Ngilla fait un diagnostic positif pour tout le théâtre africain francophone dans son ouvrage Autres : marionnettes, mime, pantomime, prestidigitationListe représentative du patrimoine culturel immatériel de l’humanitéAutres : marionnettes, mime, pantomime, prestidigitationListe représentative du patrimoine culturel immatériel de l’humanitéChristophe Cassiau-Haurie, « Le vivier méconnu de la bande dessinée béninoise », in Le Blog de Benoît ILLASSA - Une passion pour le BENIN« Gnonnas Pedro roi de l’agbadja beat »,, 27 mars 2011 surrendered and was exiled. Le Bénin est un pays ACP (Afrique-Caraïbes-Pacifique) et un PMA (Pays les moins avancés).

Whiteman, Kaye. i hope this helps others as much as it helped me. thanks a lot for the article..,loved it. from international organizations. So interesting! Thank you kindly for all of your research.This article has lots of detail and helped me with my homework but why do benin speak French?Benin is always on my mind right frm birth, am a bonafied danhomey boy bt i live in nigeria, God bless d writter of d information base on my country benin.This is the best website ever. Merchants and travelers wrote about the power foreign as the Europeans. Africa, we have to unite this continent and make it our Alma mater. La population du Bénin, fin 2016, est d'environ 11 millions de Béninois(*) Date variable estimée : les célébrations islamiques sont déterminées en fonction de l'état de la lune et fixées peu avant. my grandma is in Benin and i gave to do tons of research about Benin, i found what i needed easily.nice article.