This image has been brightened to show it more … Surprise pour les amateurs de Game of Thrones (GOT).

Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, the Breaker of Chains, and Drinker of Pumpkin Spice

Season 8, episode 4 La chaîne qui diffuse la série, HBO, assure qu'il s'agit d'une «erreur» qui a depuis été corrigée en post-production.

“Starbucks, send us money!” joked Caulfield, as the coffee chain has begun to use the unintended cameo to plug its (completely unrelated to Game of … 'TBH we're surprised she didn't order a Dragon Drink,' the company said on Twitter, referring to its summer menu addition of a bright pink fruit and coconut milk beverage that contains the tropical dragon fruit, also known as pitaya. Season 8, episode 1 'This is a once-in-a-lifetime collision of opportunity for Starbucks,' Jones said. Dans une scène du quatrième épisode de la saison 8, un gobelet Starbucks apparaît à l'écran. Season 8, episode 2 Reblog. newsletter Ils ont oublié un gobelet Starbucks Coffee dans le dernier épisode de GOT (via @zane) Un gobelet Starbucks sur la table.

The apparent Starbucks cup makes a cameo in a brief scene near the start of last night’s episode.

Starbucks got more than $2billion in free advertising from a coffee cup that accidentally appeared in Game of Thrones - even though it didn't belong to the brand. L’équipe technique a-t-elle oublié un gobelet entre deux scènes ou est-ce Daenerys qui a demandé un café à emporter ?

Un faux raccord comme les spectateurs aiment les noter.

it was actually a plain cup from the on-site food service referred to as craft services, but fans assuming it was a Starbucks drink lit up social mediaIn the episode titled, 'The Last of the Starks,' a coffee cup is clearly visible on a table in front of Daenerys Targaryen, played by Emilia Clarke, just before the 17:40 mark. We are no longer accepting comments on this article.Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media GroupGame Of Thrones fans joke that Sansa Stark is the 'coffee...'Daenerys had ordered an herbal tea': HBO responds to Game...Man seen running after cars moments before Dagenham stabbingShocking video shows car crash in Dagenham followed by stabbingShocking moment dad throws baby upside down and shakes itPortsmouth: Fighting motorist knocked out by kick to the headBrawl outside petrol station leaves one man knocked to the groundBizarre moment man attacks clown with umbrella outside McDonald'sHeartwarming moment man supports girlfriend with alopeciaGeorge Michael's ex Fadi Fawaz arrested over hammer attack on carsTrump campaign launches ad questioning Joe Biden's cognitive healthChina: Old woman seen on the ground after dog knocks her overDramatic moment crowd force police officers to flee in ManchesterHeart-stopping moment daredevil jumps from a moving trainCaned naked 24 TIMES over a flogging frame: Family tell of agony after British ex-public school boy who was...Third of GCSE pupils are to get top grades: Government U-turn means 1.5million teenagers could get marks...NEW results chaos: BTEC board AXES plans to announce grades tomorrow with just 18 hours notice STEPHEN GLOVER: Why I fear Boris Johnson's silence on this exam fiasco heaps arrogance upon incompetence High blood pressure?

'Social media mentions for Starbucks and 'Game of Thrones,' or some variation of a reference to the series, monitored by analytics company Talkwalker numbered in six-digit figures.Within 48 hours of the show's airing the topic had been mentioned 193,000 times on Twitter, in online forums, blogs and on news websites. Sur la table où est installée Cette erreur a été mise au jour par de nombreux fans, qui ont relayé les images via my favorite show in the entire world forgot a STARBUCKS COFFEE CUP ON THE TABLE WHILE FILMING En renseignant vos informations, vous avez pris connaissance de notre Game of Thrones : un gobelet de café Starbucks oublié dans une scène de l’épisode 4 Also trending on Twitter was the hashtag 'Starkbucks,' a nod to the unexpected blending of House Stark and the Seattle-based coffee chain.Starbucks, the world's biggest coffee chain, had its own take on the unexpected publicity in a series that is watched by more than 30 million people in the United States alone.

Game of Thrones, une des plus grande série de l’histoire et dernière saison ils laissent un Starbuck dans le champ ? As of Monday morning, it was on Twitter's top 10 trending topics. Share. A coffee cup that appeared in the latest episode of The cup that showed up in the first airing of season eight's episode four of GoT was actually a plain cup from the on-site food service referred to as craft services, Chief executive officer of marketing company Hollywood Branded Stacy Jones said that the approximate value of all the discussion amounted to $2.3billion in commercial value.Critical mention, a PR subscriptions service, counted 10,627 mentions of Starbucks and 'Game of Thrones' across the internet and in television and radio broadcasts.A coffee cup showing up in the latest episode of Game of Thrones has generated an estimated $2.3billion worth of free advertising for Starbucks, and it wasn't even the company's beverage. Daenerys Targaryen, played by Emilia Clarke, is pictured in the scene with the coffee cup in front of her on a tableIn the latest In the episode titled 'The Last of the Starks,' a coffee cup is clearly visible on a table in front of Daenerys Targaryen, played by Emilia Clarke, just before the 17:40 mark.