Not so obvious when you consider the result.

For if, as I said before, the pleasure of their company is not enough, it still IS a pleasure to see Brasseur, Desmarets, Darrieux, de Funès, Fernandel, Philipe, etc. And there is no real chemistry between Jean Marais as the illusionist and Lilli Palmer, the woman he is supposed to enchant by his lies.

Clément Duhour, a former actor turned producer and close friend to Guitry since 1951, seemed the obvious choice, all the more as he had co-directed Guitry's final film.

The story takes place in a luxury building of about ten floors where the "321" agency has its headquarters. "La vie à deux" is the last screenplay written by Sacha Guitry. In this script, devised to be his testament, Guitry clearly chooses his heirs, not those who wish to make money out of his dead body (represented in the film by greedy Jean Tissier and Gilbert Bokanowski) but the woman (the adoration of his whole life) and the spectator (present and future).
Luckily, a few of the performers manage to bring their character to life, the best being Gérard Philipe, irresistible as Désiré, the perfect butler who can't help falling in love with the women who hire her.

Antoine Brisebard, a famous comedy playwright, is struggling with financial difficulties and is preparing to sell his country villa to an English couple. The company watches over the holidays of its customers. 5 of 7 people found this review helpful.

La vie à deux (1958) film avec Fernandel et Louis de Funès - Duration: 2:07:08. jamierunt 254,329 views.

Clément Duhour, a former actor turned producer and close friend to Guitry since 1951, seemed the obvious choice, all the more as he had co-directed Guitry's final film. Hopscotch - cool spy movie with Walter Matthau - Duration: 1:45:19. Watch Queue Queue. Of course, Duhour proves perfectly respectful and faithful to the master and he has managed to convince quite an impressive number of prestigious actors (most of whom being familiars of Guitry's theater and cinema) to appear before his cameras.

The so-so quality of Clément Duhour's direction should not stop you from watching "La vie à deux" though.

To this end, he has imagined a (thin) plot meant to revisit several of his plays ("Désiré", "L'illusionniste", "Une paire de claques", "Le blanc et le noir", "Françoise") in which two dimwitted genealogists (Jacques Jouanneau and Christian Duvaleix) are entrusted to check whether four happy couples who inspired him for his plays still live in bliss after all those years... Guitry originally planned to act and direct as usual, unfortunately he, who was too ill to complete his former film "Les trois font la paire " (1957), died before production was even started. 2) Françoise takes a lover because he has promised her a diamond necklace. The so-so quality of Clément Duhour's direction should not stop you from watching "La vie à deux" though. The writer Pierre Carot became rich and famous with his book "Life as a Couple", which was based on the loving relationships of four couples. Every day, the newspaper reports the story of a man or woman especially in vein, who won a prize or a spectacular contest.

2 buddy farmers are visited by aliens who like their domestic cabbage soup. Use the HTML below.

The problem lies in Clément Duhour's incapacity to create magic and fascination. Their opposite personalities and strange encounters provoke different adventures - until they are arrested by the police.

1) Jerôme Chambard, a retired man, taken in by nuns in a convent, swears like a trooper.