Suzuya respects Marude as a superior but was offended and irritated when Marude openly joked about Suzuya's castration in the presence of Amon and Shinohara. Quoting a famous boxer, Suzuya advised him that fear can be a powerful tool when controlled but it can destroy you. As he was fooled and almost killed, Hanbee came to Suzuya's rescue, warning Suzuya and informing him that it was simply an illusion.As their battle went on, Suzuya's repeated attacks were effortlessly dodged by Uta.

It was Big Madam who destroyed a part of his genitals in order to make him a doll-like girl, hoping for him to live on as "Rei." However, Suzuya is not reluctant to lash out at him, as seen when he poked his fingers up Takizawa's nostrils, making them bleed excessively. Même pour l’articulation, c’est des choses que j’écoutais et que je prenais en compte. Deux bateaux de la Marine impériale japonaise ont porté le nom de Suzuya, d'après une rivière qui coule dans l'ancienne préfecture de Karafuto : . He was believed to be the leader of the group, and as Suzuya prepared to fight him, they are surrounded by a horde of ghouls. However, they get away before he is able to kill them. The two discussed the future operations to come, with Suzuya stating that he wished things could stay the way they were, doubting that peace will ever be a thing.Suzuya Squad at Takeomi Kuroiwa and Yoriko Kosaka's wedding.As the TSC's highest ranked dragon general, he continues to protect Tokyo. A miniature set of red threads that appeared to be two x's are stitched on below his right eye. He told Big Madam that he held no ill feelings for what he had done to him in the past, and that slaying him was just simply a part of his job as an investigator. Après au studio on m’a aussi dit qu’il fallait plus articuler et on m’a donné des techniques. Besides this, Suzuya is somewhat sympathetic over Abara's lack of courage; he would always intervene and fight independently whenever Hanbee is reluctant to face a ghoul. Du coup c’est ça le message que je retranscris, il faut plus écouter la facette optimiste pour devenir une meilleure personne parce que ce n’est pas dans le pessimiste qu’on pourra avancer.Pour moi il doit y avoir de tout dans le rap. Suzuya est un rappeur dont les textes et les sons nous plongent dans un univers d’amour, de colère et de haine. D’ailleurs je faisais un peu de sport, du foot mais au bout d’un moment je me suis dit qu’il fallait que je fasse quelque chose donc j’ai commencé à m’impliquer dans la musique. Ce ne sont pas des choses qui me blessent ou que je prends en compte.C’est complexe (rires). ⁠⠀  Paris est magique Le PSG vient de s’imposer 2 à 1 contre l’Atalanta BergameSupreme a leak les premières images de sa prochaine collaboration avec les Schtroumpfs pour la saison F/W20 He has dark red eyes with bags under them. One below his bottom lip and a line of several stitching threads from his upper neck downward, and several more around his right arm and hand. Suzuya suggested that they follow the man off the train, saying that he had a foul, suspicious scent.

Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Je suppose que je ne suis pas le seul, du coup il y a des gens qui peuvent se sentir moins seul et soutenu en écoutant mes textes. Suzuya jeune rappeur de Grenoble nous dévoile son dernier titre « Hopital ». The leader countered with his kagune, but Suzuya retrieved his As everything went back to normal with the investigation solved, Suzuya suggested they go to a doughnut shop. Congratulating Shinohara on defeating the SSS-rated ghoul, the real Suzuya appeared as a First Class Investigator, introduced by one of his subordinates, At an investigation meeting, Suzuya's team was currently investigating a group of ghouls called the On Kurashiki Street, Suzuya and his team begin investigating, whereby Suzuya mentioned that his killing method must be done without unnecessary movements, which was a skill that only he wielded within the entire team. C’est plus ça la démarche.J’écrivais déjà des poèmes avant de commencer la musique, c’était il y a trois ans. One month after the operation, Suzuya and Abara appeared at the Chateau for a Christmas party. Suzuya inquired why Abara even wanted to be an investigator, to which he responded that he was attacked by a ghoul as a child, and his father tried to protect him; losing both legs in the process. However, he can be opened up whenever the latter is curious about his strange characteristics; as seen when he explains his "body stitches" to Amon.