However, the personality presiding over Arjuna's egoism (his desire to win against a certain someone, his desire to become an outstanding individual, his detest for something to the degree that it made him want to get mad) that remained, ironically, helped him recover his humanity.In the Indian Lostbelt, he went mad from absorbing the authorities of every god and became a concept that would show no mercy to even the smallest flaws, however, the only ones that the summoned version won't forgive are the evil beings that show hostility towards his Master, and even the calm nature that the Pan-Human History's Arjuna originally possessed is revealed from time to time. He looks fun, might be on my try to get list 2 years from now!That crit star absortion makes him stupidly good on double Merlin setups. The god of destruction that reigns for the sake of a perfectly flawless world. QABBB. 2018 Event. After absorbing and assimilating the entirety of the Indian Pantheon(save for God Arjuna also possess the ability to actually divide and fracture his combined divinity's and share it with other Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

Arjuna es un servant clase Berserker que aparece en el cuarto Lostbelt de Fate/Grand Order. Clairvoyance (Transcendence) helps Arjuna to move faster and lets him fill the time between his NPs with powerful Buster crits, so it should be leveled second. Discard humanity, discard the earth, become a god and reach heaven. As a god he had cast away his mortal vessel along with every shred of his humanity. Read our He has slightly better attack and HP than Raikou, Vlad, and Xiang Yu, so while he’s not as bulky as the likes of Night and MHXA or as powerful as Kintoki and company, his overall stats are at the top end of the group of “balanced-stats” Berserkers. He comes with a skill that gives him significant bonus damage against any debuffed foe and all of his damage boosts last for a full three turns, which gives him an impressive level of sustained, consistent damage. EX Buster NP (Deals high damage to all enemies.)

So far all my efforts to get Summer BB have failed. He is blissfully unaware of the evils inside himself however, and claims he is above judgement. And as imagination bodies forth the forms of things unknown, the poet's pen turns them to shapes and gives to airy nothing a local habitation and a name.Arjuna’s stat spread is quite good.

He claims that, because he has obtained everything, it is his duty to eliminate all evils and save the world. Hi! [Activates first]Arjuna (Alter) is as straightforward as he is powerful. Arjuna (Alter) is as straightforward as he is powerful. He shares the exact ATK values at minimum with Sesshōin Kiara and Sitonai. In Indian mythology, there exists a hero who is close to being an eternal god who ends everything and then start… Emotions were irrelevant to a being that had already transcended and broke free from the constraints of mortality. I was just wondering about something:

For Fate / Grand Order on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Rabbit's Reviews #218: Arjuna (Alter) (5* Berserker)". One of the few things I always see… Aug 7, 2019 - This article is for Arjuna (Alter). Arjuna es un servant clase Berserker que aparece en el cuarto Lostbelt de Fate/Grand Order.En la mitología India existe un héroe que se acerca a ser un Dios eterno capaz de terminarlo todo e iniciar de nuevo.Tras fusionarse con todos los Dioses de su Panteón (excepto Kama/Mara), quien heredó la autoridad de la destrucción proveniente de ese héroe fue nada menos que el Arjuna del Lostbelt.Tras esto se volvió un Rey perfecto en la búsqueda de un mundo perfecto.Al convertirse en un Dios perfecto, arjuna comenzó a perder su personalidad, lo que hizo que no se volviera un ser mecánico es su latente ego de haber nacido como héroe.Un Rey que buscaba la perfección, que no aceptaba la más mínima falla, que buscaba purificar todo mal, que se consideraba por encima de todo juicio y que llevaría al mundo a un ciclo de fin y reinicio.Su deseo de ganar contra cierta persona, su deseo de volverse alguien que resalte, su odio hacia algo a tal punto de volverlo loco, todo eso y en especial el querer ganarle a Karna hizo que Arjuna recuperase su humanidad.Al invocarlo, mientras más lo asciendas más recuperará su lado humano, mostrándose como alguien que, en vez de no mostrar compasión contra las más mínimas fallas, no perdonará a todo mal que se muestre hostil contra su máster.Arjuna se muestra como un hombre de corta edad, piel oscura junto con prendas blancas que dejan su pecho expuesto y con un cabello blanco que resalta bastante.Al casi perder su personalidad y alterar su Saint Graph, arjuna obtuvo esta habilidad.En busca de traer una nueva era, el rechaza todo mal. Por ende, perdió toda su humanidad.La autoridad dada por aquel que acaba todo, usada con el fin de eliminar todo mal.