Three additional ankhs hang from the sun disk. The reverse side shows the successful royal hunter returning home. The pectoral here was made of gold inlaid with glass to mimic turquoise, lapis lazuli, and carnelian. On his upper and lower arms are armlets and bracelets. We know it’s not the same as seeing them in real life, but we hope you enjoy, and stay tuned as, over the next few days we’ll explore the artefacts included in detail.This figure of a solar falcon was found in the southeast corner of the Antechamber behind the chariot. Palm ribs form the decoration on either side of this vase. But there is no figure on it, only a pillar with Tutankhamun’s names and titles, and, before this, two footprint-like depressions suggesting that a figure had once stood here. These two plants; papyrus and lily represent Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt, respectively.Thus the design signifies a wish for the king to rule over the entire country forever.These curiously shaped wooden boxes contained food provisions for the afterlife; beef— the most highly prized protein source in ancient Egypt—as well as the meat of goats and sheep including cuts of rib, joints, and a beef tongue. The abundance of food in the tomb would have ensured that he continue to do so in the afterlife.Carter found four almost identical torch holders standing on one of the ritual beds in the Antechamber.Torches with wicks of linen were used to light the palace. Primarily, these scenes may relate to the relationship between Tutankhamun and Ankhesenamun in their eternal roles as husband-king and wife-queen and the duties necessary to maintain cosmic order. Suggestions range from a sandal strap to a ceremonial girdle.

Below the beetle are three plural strokes and a neb basket.

Highlight Artefacts. The flat gold backs of the elements are engraved with designs reflecting the inlay on the front, or, in the case of the scarabs, moulded to form realistic images of the underside of the beetles.This life-size statue of the king, and another similar to it, stood facing each other against the north wall of the Antechamber.

So within the solar disk we have an elaborate writing of Tutankhamun’s throne name, Nebkheperure.This falcon is the god Horus, who embodies the king and is closely associated with Re.This figure depicts Tutankhamun standing aboard a papyrus raft, the earliest form of watercraft on the Nile. In this particular item, Isis and Imsety guard the king’s liver. A feathered pattern known as rishi covers the lower half of the body. La librairie franco-anglaise Caravansérail accueille jusqu’au 27 février les précieux dessins de l’acteur Romain Duris. These goddesses, Wadjet and Nekhbet, also appear with feathered wings wrapped around the torso of the king. Each uraeus wears the double crown of Upper and Lower Egypt. This model takes the form of a divine boat, which often reflected the shape of the Nile’s first watercraft, papyrus rafts. Every piece is highly researched and returns to her a passion ignited by Chinese studies and a profound interest in calligraphy and philosophy and in the connections between artistic and scientific fields. Staples of poultry; duck and goose, were also provided.Elsewhere in the tomb Carter found twenty-six jars of wine, an abundance of honey, fruit, nuts, seeds, and spices, and the staple of all Egyptian social classes, bread.Examination of Tutankhamun’s mummy with modern technology has informed us that the king ate well in life, as one might expect for a royal son. They were also used to help workmen see in the dark depths of tombs. It could be that the footprints were enough to indicate the presence of the king, now transformed into a divinity.The scenes on the doors and the outer faces of the walls are dedicated to Queen Ankhesenamun attending to her husband. As a consequence, Homo Sapiens will be superseded by a species of man’s own creation,Homo Artificialis. Visiter le British Museum à Londres : billets, tarifs, horaires. Ici Londres est le magazine print et online des français et francophones de Londres. As the exhibition remains closed until further notice we have created a short taster video tour which includes a selection of our favourite artefacts, that you can take from home!