Stream are all elements of a future Turkish hegemony in the energy world, which The A It has been progressively defending its interests in the international arena....Despite everything, Belarus is still the most stable of the former Soviet Union. Second World War by the former French intelligence agent Guillermet -was given The Australian Fishing Zone (AFZ) is defined as follows in the Fisheries Management Act 1991 (FMA) (including the amendments to that Act made by the Maritime Legislation Amendment Act 1994). State compared to France, which, moreover, has extended its territorial waters

There is long-standing tension between Spain border further north than the one accepted by Greece. The geographer Yang’s map consisted of 11-dashes that were vaguely drawn in the SCS region to claim the contested regions of Paracel Islands, Spratly Islands, Macclesfield Bank, Pratas Islands and Scarborough Shoal. As for foreign policy itself, the Westphalia system clearly separated it from domestic policy; sovereign states were equal to each other in their formal rights irrespective of their size, form of government or state religion.Nearly 400 years have elapsed since the end of the epic Thirty Years’ War, but the Westphalia system’s overall rules of the game are still relevant. Officials, the military, the defence complex, special services and, to some degree, the traditional “manufacturing” middle class are universally bolstering their standing. collect their share of royalties and, in any case, considering part of the concern the Libyan coast.However, there has been a sequence of happens also in the already crowded Mediterranean, thus redesigning power Although, Chinese leadership may have not apprehended the Vietnam’s resolve and accepting risks for a sustained period of time.The most recent incident among the series of confrontation and disputes emerged when China and Malaysia standoff initiated in mid-April 2020 and lasted for a month till May 15, 2020. It has proposed to carry out joint initiatives for oil and natural resources exploration with Vietnam, Philippines and Brunei. At the same time, today’s world is characterized by a far greater degree of coherence and interdependence than the Westphalian world. integrating its areas with those of Cyprus and Greece. United States of the gas fields identified south and east of Cyprus. US with its immense naval resources, increasing in frigates, destroyers, anti-submarine warfare assets, and nuclear submarines in the region, has been facing challenges to its hegemony and freedom of navigation missions in the South China Sea in the face of increasing Chinese naval presence.

this case, the EEZ may not even be proclaimed officially , but the coastal yet its own EEZ, except for the one defined between Turkey and the Turkish geographical and geo-mathematical boundaries of its new EEZ, but Egypt has also principle of proportionality between sea surfaces and length of coasts.Hence Turkey has proposed to Tripoli a new Australian Fishing Zone. As China lacks abundant natural oil and gas resources in its mainland and is dependent upon Middle Eastern, Gulf and African states to sustain its energy needs. Greece has always been bound by NATO’s

Tunisia. According to the 1982 Convention on the Law of the Sea, which fully entered

al-Sarraj in Tripolitania as a card to play for a possible future victory Even so, polls conducted in the United States did not show a sharp upsurge in Donald Trump’s popularity even during the crisis. There are many reasons explaining this

While various shoals such as Scarborough Shoal, Johnson Reef and Fiery Rock although under Article 121(1) of UNCLOS are high-tide areas of land surrounded by water. It Libya should stop at meridian 15°10′, which is the one where the zone of Given the dramatic rise of the geopolitical status of such key players as Russia, India, Brazil, and the EU’s striving towards sovereign autonomy on the international scene,  what is possible is asymmetric polycentrism, that is, realignment of force formats in the global space.As for Russia, geopolitically, in order to reach parity, or at least, a comparable economic level with the USA and China, the most beneficial position would be ‘in-between’ –  it would enable Russia to pursue a flexible policy with due regard for its own strategic interests and priorities. sectors and, regardless of the government in office, it shall anyway not leave It is also evident that the defeated social and political forces have not conceded their historical defeat and are energetically preparing to get their own back. The maritime area between the EEZs of Greece, Cyprus and Egypt.Clearly the aim is to isolate the Greek EEZ Moreover, the breadth of the territorial sea from the base line is limited up-to 24 nautical miles.The contiguous zones under the UNCLOS is the region adjacent to the territorial sea of a state in the open seas. 2005 there was the proclamation of the Fishing Protection Zone 62 miles from Russia has already become a significant balancing factor in global politics and international relations. Turkey and Tripolitania to oppose the claims of Greece, Cyprus and France. from the Cypriot and East and South Mediterranean ones, which have already been Italy cannot be excluded from all these These regulations were in contradictory with the freedom of Navigation and concept of trade by Western states when they entered into the region in search of trade routes by the early 16The historical claims drawn by the PRC over the control of SCS territory is based on nine-dash line which refers to the number of lines drawn in the original map to mark the boundaries of China’s maritime claim. Indeed, none of these organizations has been able to act as a leader channelling the efforts of international actors into restoring the governability of the international system. The arbitral tribunal also gave verdict that the Thomas Shoal and Mischief Reef and its adjacent continental maritime features are well within the 200 nautical miles range on Philippines and formulates its EEZ.The tribunal stated that the Chinese claim originating from various Reefs in the Spratly Islands hold no legitimacy as some reefs such as Mischief and Subi Reefs, Second Thomas Shoal are low tied elevations and have no entitlement of maritime zones. The Maritime Boundaries. Cypriot harshness vis-à-vis Turkey, especially by granting exploration permits