I first saw and heard about Oumou Sangare in Johannesburg, South Africa, when she performed at the Joy of Jazz International Festival in August 2010. So for me this music will surely go on my iPod when travelling through Africa and for now: I am enjoying her voice, the musicians and the message she's giving us. This was the first album I'd purchased by the artist and I was so pleasantly surprised. If you like world music this record is for you and if like me, you just love great music with amazing vocals this is well worth checking out.

When I looked around the store, everybody was moving! The song that stole my attention was Iyo Djeli from the album Seya. Very diverse.

Also good to dance to.

I expected the other to be more interesting but found that Sangare's music was actually the better purchase. "At that concert, for the first time, she had agreed to try out this acoustic approach, which is all about letting go. I would recommend this album if you're an American, like me, looking for something new. Bon CD, un ajout à la collection africaine.

I heard the title cut while shopping, and couldn't help dancing. Nach Oumou ein weiteres Highlight der Sängerin. I couldn't wait to order it. Another great album from a truly great artist. You will really enjoy this open-hearted, skillful music with its wise messages. I … All the songs are equally as strong and beguiling.

It just had an echoingly beautiful rhythm which sounded to be embodying a deep message, although I couldn't understand what it was about, until I bought her album. A truly original voice, like warm chocolate wrapped in velvet. 星の数は、単なるデータの平均ではなく、機械学習によって評価されています。機械学習においては、直近のレビューの評価や、購入状況など、フィードバックの信頼性を確立するために、複数の要因が考慮されます。このショッピング機能は、Enterキーを押すと商品を読み込み続けます。このカルーセルから移動するには、見出しのショートカットキーを使用して、次の見出しまたは前の見出しに移動してください。このショッピング機能は、Enterキーを押すと商品を読み込み続けます。このカルーセルから移動するには、見出しのショートカットキーを使用して、次の見出しまたは前の見出しに移動してください。このショッピング機能は、Enterキーを押すと商品を読み込み続けます。このカルーセルから移動するには、見出しのショートカットキーを使用して、次の見出しまたは前の見出しに移動してください。 She was by far the best act of the night. I listen to the tracks at the gym, in my car and at home. The space it created for her voice was wonderful. Culte d'un pays, avec beaucoup d'autres chanteur Malien ou d'Afrique de l'ouest. 商品詳細ページを閲覧すると、ここに履歴が表示されます。チェックした商品詳細ページに簡単に戻る事が出来ます。商品詳細ページを閲覧すると、ここに履歴が表示されます。チェックした商品詳細ページに簡単に戻る事が出来ます。 Malian Oumou Sangaré has claimed the No 1 spot on the World Music Charts Europe (WMCE) with her album titled Acoustic. The c.d. She and her band performed with so much fervour and zeal, so much that she made me want to get acquainted with her music. If you love the music of Mali, this one's for you. is called Seya which means joy, and that's plenty of joy to be found in these 11 songs. This was my interdiction to Oumou Sangare and her wonderful music. Have many Mali artist cd's and this is a "BIG MASTERPIECE!!! This is by far her best album since the early, groundbreaking "Ko Sira." Great album and I would recommend it to any world music enthusiast. I couldn't be happier.

is called Seya which means joy, and that's plenty of joy to be found in these 11 songs. 100%ではないのだが楽しい気分にしてくれました。終わると寂しい。マリの音楽はどこか日本の民謡に通じるものがありますね。 This was my interdiction to Oumou Sangare and her wonderful music. Buy it!!" Wonderful textual themes, terrific music, enormously sophisticated production. Wer afrikanische Musik liebt und dann vielleicht auch noch insbesondere Frauenstimmen, für den ist diese Disc ein unbedingtes Muss!! She's fabulous! I find it a good CD, sometimes I can feel the real deep feelings I would get when walking just there. The c.d. I have been following Oumou Sangare's recorded output for about ten years now. I am looking forward to hearing more of her work. Amazon had a wide range of prices from $75 -- don't know why -- to less than $10 for used. My "like new" at $15.95 arrived in about a week, in great shape.

Red Hot + Riot: The Music and Spirit of Fela Kuti How could I never have heard of Oumou Sangare? I bought this album with another. It puts me in a good mood whenever I hear it. Not a weak track at all.