In this reunion, the Ndengeyingoma will be the eventual losers. Or the Kagames were using and still using their ill-gotten wealth to sponsor such extravagances? President Paul Kagame and His Daughter Ange Arrives at the White Hosue 8 5 2014 - Duration: 1:11. Coronavirus COVID-19 cases in Rwanda keep rising everydayGenocide suspect, Felicien Kabuga arrested in ParisRwandan truck drivers are being blocked by their Tanzanian counterpartsDéogratias Mushayidi forgotten in the Rwandan PrisonsRwandan rebels of RUD-Urunana Kill Civilians in DRCThe FLN Commander, Lt Gen Wilson Irategeka is DeadRichard Gisagara Turns France into a Gulag for JournalistsGeneral Kayumba Nyamwasa and Rwanda National Congress are very DangerousTENSION BETWEEN YOWERI MUSEVENI AND PAUL KAGAME AT THE LUANDA SUMMIT She is a basketball and football fan, and follows the Boston Celtics and Arsenal.ChimpReports is a Registered TradeMark of Chimp Media LtdPlease consider supporting us by disabling your ad blockerKabale Journalists Blocked from Covering NRM CEC ElectionsRecord: Uganda Registers 3 New Covid19 Deaths, 94 New CasesAnalysts Back Besigye’s Move to Opt Out Of 2021 Election Unfortunately, the corporal has ears on the ground.Now, very soon, Kagame is going to be father in-law, but at what cost? May be, before the gigantic marriage, a happy Paul Kagame will release all political prisoners from his torture jails, that is my wishful thinking!The princess’s love, it’s a love that started and blossomed in USA, when Ange Kagame was studying in Boston for her undergraduate degree, she fell in love with a Senegalese college basketball player. By august 2017, she was shadowing Lt Col Patrick Karuretwa the Principle Private Secretary to the president and her former body guard in USA.Mid-September, under Village Urugwiro secrecy and spreading calculated misinformation to state house staffs in order to divert them. The mother who was then de facto vice president of Rwanda instructed Major Patrick Karuretwa to increase surveillance around Ivan and Ange Kagame, with more presidential guards personnel getting scholarships to the same USA campus as the first family, the main aim being to create a surveillance and security ring around the children.This made Jeannette Kagame Gasana to move in search of a sweeter to her daughter, in September 2016 during Kagame day in San Francisco -USA, what some quarters call Rwanda day, Rwanda’s princess – Ange Kagame was introduced Bertrand Ndengeyingoma known as Billy among his peers; a tall, handsome and well-built young man. This was before criminal Paul Kagame built a tennis court at Village Urugwiro – State house.As Israelmore Ayivor noted, “don’t fear to inform an oppressed society.” It’s from this ideology that the corporal will continue being your messanger until the last breath. She introduced the young man to her father in 2017, and Rwanda’s criminal Junta seems to be happy with the choice.After the sham elections where the Junta anointed himself as the King of his corporation known as Rwanda, the daughter approached the father with a request for her master’s degree in the USA. Ange Kagame started her master’s degree at Colombia University school of International and Public studies in USA. Mzee Cyrille Ndengeyingoma is a perfect father in-law that any parent would wish for her daughter. The event took place at Kagame’s plush upcountry home in Ntebe near Lake Muhazi in the Eastern province, Kayonza district, Gahini sector. By being a father in-law, will it galvanise a new Paul Kagame that will embrace the rule of law, human rights and constitution democracy? During this period, in all the Junta’s travels to USA, her daughter always accompanied him and some other travels, she had to use her father’s jet to go for her arranged dates with her lover.Did the Kagames use state coffers to fund such extravagances? FUCK THE SAJYA MARONS!Ndengeyingoma family is from Burundi, well respected among Rwandans from Burundi. You may have your own opinion. Since 2015, Ange Kagame has been working in the president’s office; she was initially posted in the communication department at same time shadowing Ines Mpambara, the chief of staff to the president. Coronavirus COVID-19 cases in Rwanda keep rising everydayGenocide suspect, Felicien Kabuga arrested in ParisRwandan truck drivers are being blocked by their Tanzanian counterpartsDéogratias Mushayidi forgotten in the Rwandan PrisonsRwanda elections were rigged, the Day the Constitution got RapedRwanda presidential hopeful Diane Rwigara nudes Photos leakedRace begins for Cambridge University Students’ UnionRichard Gisagara Turns France into a Gulag for Journalists©Rwanda Activist Autonomous Media| All Content is Subject to copyrightDespite his intimidation, kidnappings, incarceration, torture and assassinations; the junta regime won’t manage to stop souls that are crying for their basic freedoms from challenging the brutal status quo.As promised in my Sunday posting, today, I will be looking at the extravagances of the Kagames, how love is in the horizon within the junta family and how the chief vampire will very soon expect to be a father in-law.

Humus Man Gifts 2,132,024 views Ange Kagame is in the marriage mood Despite his intimidation, kidnappings, incarceration, torture and assassinations; the junta regime won’t manage to stop souls that are crying for their basic freedoms from challenging the brutal status quo. When I say a first serious relationship, I hope you will get what I mean (the eater of goods). Rwandan President Paul Kagame and First Lady Jeanette Kagame have today Friday given away their daughter Ange Kagame to urban planner Bertrand Ndengeyingoma at a traditional ceremony held in the country.